I’m back . . . at least for now . . .

Hey everyone! Or should I say hi anyone . . . crickets . . . anyone still here?? LOL. If you are, thank you! I haven’t posted a new blog since last year and I wasn’t sure I was going to come back to it again if I am being honest. BUT then I remembered how much I loved doing this before and I know it would be a shame to just let it go for good. I am not here for any other reason but a fun outlet and that is what I am looking forward to getting back to.

I am having such an identity crisis lately. I have been struggling to move forward with so many little projects not for any reason besides myself. The identity crisis is not in a way that I am necessarily unsure of what I want or what I am working towards or even who I am as a person in general. However I have been feeling so insecure about the way I am going about anything and everything these days. I am feeling outside pressures building up and I am feeling frozen on a lot of things that normally I wouldn’t even question, including this blog.

When I launched The Darling Lifestyle Blog in 2020, doesn’t that feel like a different lifetime? Seriously. Anyways, I was so excited to simply have this fun little space where I could share what I wanted. Not to go anywhere with it or to have any specific goals but just to write about the things I like and sometimes that things I know. Or at least the things I know a little about. I love talking fashion and travel and motherhood and the general chaos in-between. I like being honest. I like being able to express myself and get things off my chest in a way that feels authentic and real. I changed my instagram handle to @Krystal.darlinglifestyle. It was all quite fun. I am thinking I might go change my handle back. But let me just leave that identity crisis for another minute or two. With that being said, the reason I am back is just that. I want to keep it real. I want to keep it fresh. And I desperately want to get out of my own head. I want to be here.

I am not sure how often I am going to post or exactly what about. But I like this little blog. I like this little community. I like that I have started a podcast (oh ya, in case you don’t know, I did that because I am unstable and enjoy adding more to my plate, but hey . . . it’s fun!). Anyways, I am coming back. Slowly. Sporadically. But back all the same.

If you follow me on instagram you know I haven’t actually gone anywhere. My boutique is coming up to a decade in business, which feels impossible. I am proud of that. I am scared of it. But mostly I just want to embrace continuing to grow and evolve and be better. In business and in life. I guess what I am saying is hi. Thank you for being here. I hope you will stick around. Maybe you never left, or maybe you are just finding this little corner of the internet now. Either way I am grateful to the small community of absolutely badass humans that are around myself, my family and my business.

Excited to share some fun things we have coming up. Some travel, some birthdays, some new spring/summer fashion and honestly just whatever comes to mind. Be sure to stay up to date on the gram and check out the podcast when you have a second too (@krystals.reality | shameless plug). Hope everyone is doing great and even if you feel like you aren’t, you certainly are, so great job! Talk soon cuties xoxo.


Let’s Talk About Sleep Baby . . .


Road Trip Details