32 things

In just a few days it is my 32nd birthday. I know hard to believe when I don’t look a day over twenty-two, but here we are. I always find it important to reflect on birthdays and really take in what each new year has brought. I feel like each year is a chance to do better and be better. This year in particular I am reflecting on my 30s thus far. These years have felt transformative for many reasons including the fact we have been living in a global pandemic for the entirety of my thirties. In the last few years so much has changed, including the fact our family will have gone from 3 to 5, like WOAH! My blog for this birthday is simple, here are 32 things I’ve learned so far as a thirty something wife, mother, business owner, friend, human, all of it.

1. Not everyone is going to like you and that’s a good thing.

2. Holding a grudge doesn’t affect the other person, it affects you, LET IT GO. (bonus points if you started singing the Frozen song here).

3. What you think is not always right, and even if it is, you don’t need to always prove it.

4. Be Kind (PERIOD).

5. The most important opinion of you is yours. Respect what you value over what other people want you to value.

6. Set boundaries. In business, in relationships, in friendships, in everything. Set boundaries and stick to them (still working on this in the business department . . . )

7. Send the text. Make the call. If you are thinking about someone, tell them. Be the first one to reach out. You won’t often regret it.

8. Find joy in the little things.

9. Not everyone is nice, some people suck, move on. Toxic relationships, friendships, business relationships, family relationships, etc, are not worth stressing over.

10. Start saving for retirement, you are getting old babe.

11. Being pregnant is hard. Being a mom is hard. Both are gifts. It is okay to feel simultaneously grateful and discouraged. Remember the good days almost always outweigh the bad days and you are strong as a mother!

12. (If you have kiddos) Hug your babies every chance you get. Every day they are one day older, one day ahead of where they were the day before and before you know it these days are going to be your favourite memories.

13. Stop worrying about if people are watching (let them watch) - in all realms of life (motherhood, business, friendship, whatever). Set up the tripod, take the picture, let them watch!

14. Take the trip.

15. Skinny dip. Chunky dunk. Whatever you want to do. Naked swimming is an unparalleled experience (thankfully learned this before the age of thirty).

16. Pay for professional pictures.

17. Stop judging other people.

18. Wake up early and enjoy your coffee alone.

19. Start decluttering your life (this can apply to physical things or mental clutter, get rid of it).

20. Pay for the fancier bottle of wine, you deserve it.

21. Start building a capsule wardrobe. The investment pieces are worth it.

22. Exercise regularly (this is something I am still working on but I know it will be important this decade).

23. TREAT YO SELF. But maybe don’t take this as literally as I do.

24. Sleep. Just do it. Sleep.

25. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. Living in the past keeps you stuck there, you will do so much better when focus on your present and future self.

26. Know your value, know your worth, and add the tax.

27. Always tip 20% (at least).

28. It is never too late to decide on doing something else. Wanting something different for your life is okay. Change is scary but it can also be great. Never stop chasing it.

29. Read actual books.

30. You are not behind. If you don’t have kids, you aren’t behind. If you are not married, you aren’t behind. If you don’t own a house, you aren’t behind. If you don’t have your dream job, you aren’t behind. Your life doesn’t have the same timeline as anyone else’s.

31. Laugh. Like find the people that make you laugh until your belly hurts and stick with them.

32. Don’t rely on someone else to bring you happiness. That is your job. Find a partner who supports you in your happiness and cheers you no matter what. Build the life you want for you and the rest will fall into place.

Some of these things might be contradictory, or some of them might be similar to one another, but all of these things really are helping me to build a fulfilling life and future for myself and my family. We don’t know where we will be in 2, 5, 10 or 20 years but I do know that I want to continue dreaming and embracing all the beautiful experiences this life is gifting to us. Cheers babes! Now someone please have an extra glass of wine for me this week!



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