
In honour of Family Day here in Ontario I thought what better blog to write than a quick appreciation post for my little fam jam. There is nothing that I treasure more than these tiny humans, my dogs, and of course Christopher (probably in that order . . . JOKING!). Over the past, almost, year (yes we have been locked down for basically a year, let that sink in) it has become clear just how absolutely “hashtag blessed” I am in the family department.

I think it has been easy, over the last few months especially, to start to feel the fatigue of the pandemic. For lack of a better word, I have felt incredibly trapped in many recent days. I was devastated we wouldn’t be escaping the winter again this year and really felt like I was being punished by this current stay home order. Anyone else? BUT as I sit back and reflect on all the time I have had with my family over the past year there is no stronger emotion I feel than gratitude. How freaking lucky am I to have been able to spend this quality time with my children and husband. We have been able to focus on growing and strengthening the bond that we have as a unit and for that I am going to be forever grateful (however, I will also be grateful when I can go sit on a tropical beach again but let’s not go down that road . . . )

I want to share a few photos that might not have graced my instagram feed. Our lives have changed so much in the past year, I mean we went from one baby to two for goodness sakes! As I look back on these photos I realize my babes are happy, and honey, so am I!


HAPPY FAMILY DAY EVERYONE! Head over to the gram and tell me something you have cherished from your extra time at home!


P.S. I wrote a terrible little poem while I was feeding Watty in the middle of the night, it absolutely makes no sense for the most part, so I thought I would amuse you by sharing it. Give your lockdown partners one extra squeeze from me today, this won’t last forever (I hope).

I am a boy mom of two.

Some people have the impression that could make me blue.

But they could certainly not be more wrong,

As these boys make me love them all day long!

Although all these boys and puppies can stink

All the fun we have makes the days go by in a blink.

I live for their kisses

And I am so lucky to be Chris’ Mrs.

My family is just the sweetest bunch.

And it is time for us all to go have some . . . lunch?

I will leave you here with one last thought,

Remember to always love the ones that you’ve got!

(please note the makes me blue part is only because so many people thought I was so desperate to have a girl the second time around that I would be sad with a boy when of course that is absolutely not true. I LOVE being a boy mom more than anything ever, the end).


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