Meet the Darlings
Maybe this should have been the first thing I did on here, or maybe nobody wants to see this at all, but I wanted to take a minute to introduce my little family because, well, you are likely going to hear a whole lot about them! I will keep this short and sweet (kidding it probably won’t be that short but I think they’re all pretty sweet, so that has to count for something?) . . .
BELLE - My sweet, angelic, chocolate lab. She just celebrated her 10th birthday. You might wonder why I am introducing my dog before my husband or children. The fact is, she came first. She was my first “baby” and she deserves her own space here. I even named my clothing boutique after her. In fact she is the CEO and queen of the business, plus she is the cutest so she deserves her spot as #1 girl!
CHRISTOPHER- Next comes Chris. He would likely, sorry will likely, be displeased that I wrote Christopher but that’s his name and when he is in trouble that is how I like to address him HAHA. Jokes aside this man has been the greatest partner and teammate I could have ever asked for. Quick story while I have you here. We were driving home from Nashville TN after our first dating anniversary (almost 9 years ago, WOAH) and him and I actually created the concept for Belle’s Boutique. He sat there and listened to be spout off ideas of this dreamy little boutique I wished I could one day create. He not only believed I could do it, he made me do it. The endless support and unconditional love this man shows me every day is the reason I have been able to pursue my passions. He has never once not believed in my vision, no matter how much he didn’t understand or see it for himself. He has always believed in me. So to sum this up, my husband is an absolute gem!
GRYFFINDOR - Yes another dog before a baby, he came first what can I say? Our frenchie, and yes he is named after a house in Harry Potter but. you can call him Gryff for short. He likely should have been called Slytherin but that doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. He has a serious attitude problem and loves me best, so I wouldn’t change him for the world.
BEAU - Okay, we are on to a baby. My boy. My first son. He made me a mama and changed my life forever in the most profound way possible. He is the sweetest, quirkiest, smartest, funniest boy and honestly the kid is my best friend. He puts a smile on my face from the minute he wakes up to the minute he goes to bed. His hair is a personality in itself (please check my insta to explore the “Beau Fro”). I am so grateful he is mine.
WATSON - Watty for short. The latest addition. The baby that helped secure my title as boy mama forever. He showed up on time (unlike his brother) and he is a perfect bundle of baby squishiness. He hasn’t quite figured out this sleeping thing yet but lucky for him his cuteness (mostly) makes up for my complete lack of sleep over the last few months.
There are a million other things I could say about this little family of mine but I said I would TRY to keep this short and sweet. If you want a better insight into our lives I am always secretly filming Chris and snapping cute pics of these two boys so feel free to join us over on the gram. I will leave you with our latest little family photoshoot because I love my boys just oh so much! (Huge shout out to Lenny & Hume photography who is essentially our family’s personal photographer. Carlyn is a queen, check her out too!)